Martes, 24 de Abril de 2012 10:10


Chiste de Forges sobre el ruido Chiste de Forges sobre el ruido


Sobre una idea publicada el 29 de marzo en el diario 20 minutos que decía así: “Me asusta el ruido de esta sociedad urbana donde hemos aniquilado a la naturaleza. Por la noche no veo estrellas y por el día no oigo a las aves, el viento, la lluvia. Sólo oigo ruido. Un ruido que nos acabará dejando sordos y ambientalmente empobrecidos.

Ya sabíamos que el jaleo de las ciudades obliga a los pájaros a cantar a una frecuencia más alta de lo normal para poder ser escuchados por sus semejantes entre el habitual guirigay urbano. Pero ha resultado una sorpresa saber que hasta los árboles sufren los negativos efectos de nuestra ruidosa civilización. Científicos en Estados Unidos han descubierto que los ruidos asociados a actividades industriales perturban el comportamiento de animales fundamentales para la polinización y la dispersión de semillas de especies como los pinos. El aumento artificial de decibelios estaría así modificando lentamente algunos ecosistemas y afectando especialmente a los árboles, al reducirse su número en las áreas más ruidosas.”

Caminamos hacia una sociedad de voces y runrúns que nos separan de nuestro epicentro interior y por otro lado nos despistan de lo que realmente sucede en nuestro mundo. Es curioso que animales y plantas lo perciban casi mejor que nosotros los seres humanos. Desde las insufribles broncas de tráfico y obras de nuestras ciudades, a otro tipo de ruidos generados por radios y  teles interesadas que no interesantes. Luego están otros sonidos pero resulta que vayamos por donde vayamos nos persigue una música ambiental machacona hasta la extenuación, igual en tiendas, aviones, bares,… Ese ambiente supuestamente agradable tan sólo oculta nuestros propios ruidos.

Por salud mental, salud del planeta, salud espiritual, (añádase lo que proceda…) pongamos un poco de silencio en nuestras vidas. Ese  podría ser nuestro consejo ALTERAUDIO, donde buscamos que todo el mundo que pueda, oiga,curiosamente.

320 comentarios

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    I do see Peyton Manning leading the Broncos to the AFC title with a road win over the New England Patriots.After the patriots come up just short once again, we will be able to recycle the same questions about tom brady/bill belichick we've used the past three years.The packers will march to the super bowl after aaron rodgers carves up the seattle seahawks' secondary in the fail mary rematch that actually counts.

    You know how much I enjoy the show, but if I'm being honest, not all of the twists and turns in Season 2 worked for me.When i felt myself kind of detaching from some of the things that happened, i think it's because it felt like the twists weren't tied as strongly to the characters as had been the case in the past.

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    "I don't care if we get any money,"Said former linebacker jay brophy, who played for the miami hurricanes and later for the miami dolphins, and has been diagnosed with brain damage. "I'm not begging for anything.All i want is if there's treatment out there, build us some centers, send us to places to help us out because we don't have insurance.That's all i care about.Too many guys i know are suffering and are going through things. "

    LAKE CHARLES, La. (Ap)At first glance, 1901 mill st.May look like any other block in lake charles where old buildings have been razed to be replaced by new ones.Construction workers mill about, measuring, nailing and painting, as passers-By forget what was there before and wonder what's to come.To understand exactly what that block means to one of the city's oldest neighborhoods, look through the eyes of those who lived its past.In the early 1940s and '50s when housing projects were thought to be the antidote to urban slums way before drugs and violence began to take a devastating toll, before projects began succumbing to influences from both outside and within city councilman rodney geyen was a kid living in the projects.He was one of many living happily in what is now known as the oldest public housing unit in lake charles:Booker t.Washington at 1901 mill st. "I grew up there as a boy.The place was really convenient.It was comfortable,"Geyen said. "If you lived there, you loved it.For all of us, it was just a nice community. "Housing units likeBooker t.Washington sprouted up across the state over the years.The places weren't just homes for poor minorities;They were places where residents found safe and affordable housing within culturally rich communities.The projects didn't give geyen many luxuries growing up, but they weren't bad either.There was hot water, heaters when the winter months rolled around and refrigerators, which were a big deal when most of the people geyen knew were still using ice boxes. "We had everything we needed there while i was growing up,"Geyen said. "That was what made us want to take care of it.That's something we took pride in taking care of what was ours. "Geyen saidBooker t.Washington was the childhood backdrop for some prominent african americans from the area, including former nfl player and coach charlie joiner, an lhsca hall of fame coach in lawrence hunter, several educators, politicians, musicians and so on. "Having something like this can build self-Esteem for the entire area,"Geyen said. "When something like this gets built, you want to see it last.You want to see people embracing it and, most of all, you want people to take care of it. "Ben Taylor, executive director of the Lake Charles Housing Authority, has hadBooker t.Washington in his sights for several years.On his citywide redevelopment wish list, it was sandwiched between high school park and st.Mary drive, but an impetus was placed on the block with so much history. "I hope it proves to be a catalyst for the redevelopment of the entire area,"Taylor said. "We want to provide housing people can be proud of, places the community can take pride in. "The redevelopment is just one step in the lake charles housing authority's plan to provide high-Quality housing for residents who aren't able to afford mid-To high-Level rent or house payments.The process hasn't been without its share of problems;The early stages were bogged down due to large amounts of asbestos being found in the buildings a common problem when demolishing and rebuilding older housing.With 80 percent of the project coming from private funds, there was little room for unexpected complications. "We've been trying to get this done for a while now.When you redevelop public housing in blighted areas, it's expensive,"Taylor said. "Redeveloping existing housing is just an expensive endeavor. "With the recent acquisition of a $322, 000 affordable housing program grant from the federal home loan bank of dallas and jd bank of jennings, the housing authority can continue to refurbish a piece of history in one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city.City councilwoman luvertha august may not have lived in the projects, but she spent a good part of her childhood playing at the houses of friends who lived in the units.She still remembers those days. "I remember the yards were just so big.That was the main thing, and they were really beautiful.That's where we used to play,"August said. "A lot of the friends i went to school with lived there, so when i was out playing with them, that's most likely where i was. "August's memories of the projects are fresh even though the old buildings are gone.No more creaking floorboards, flapping clotheslines or rumbling refrigerators.No more kids running through the yards, scaring stray animals and parents alike.Seventy-Two of the old units have been demolished and are being replaced with 46 modern units, creating a more open complex with 23 duplex-Style homes.Like her city council counterpart, august's biggest fear for the new complex is what will come of it if it isn't properly taken care of.A lack of structure, law enforcement or even respect for the property itself could lead to detrimental results down the road. "My hope is that people realize how fortunate they are to have housing like this.This realization will help make them want to take care of it,"August said. "You let the wrong people in, you don't find a way to police yourselves, then it could turn out poorly.Fortunately, i think people can admire and appreciate this opportunity to have beautiful affordable housing. "Taylor said the housing authority understands the concerns people may have. Precautions have been taken to ensure the newBooker t.Washington will not become the one of the past, an image locals find disappointing more than uplifting. "Things are going to be different this time around,"Taylor said. "We're really going to have strict lease enforcement. "In the time leading up to the redevelopment, whileBooker t.Washington was still housing residents, 90 percent of the trespassing citations, arrests and stops at the housing units were of people who weren't on a lease at the complex.With fewer units and a more open area, the housing authority is taking advantage of the opportunity to instill new safety precautions. "Density was the biggest problem when it comes to security just having so many places so congested,"Taylor said. "Now we're going to have a fence that runs around the perimeter.There will also be a camera that will monitor the grounds as well.The residents will have to want things to be different because i've never seen a neighborhood change that didn't want to. "___Information from:American press, http://www.Americanpress.Com

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  • Enlace comentario OnerlewlyZexy Jueves, 05 de Septiembre de 2013 06:55 Publicado por OnerlewlyZexy

    you need to learn this time around [url=]wholesale team soccer jerseys[/url] need you to experience things in a different culture. November 4, 2008 at 9:50 am 8 Wynd says: Your beliefs are those that you chose to embrace. And really, how many Pagans believe in reincarnation. Most that I know do, so therefore, you may be drawn to something you worshiped in the past, who knows. I have a friend who has explored all their ancestors beliefs, she is now Norse, but has been Egyptian Pagan, and Wiccan, and Ceremonial. Each should believe as they are led to believe, be true to yourself. November 4, 2008 at 10:36 [url=]cheap football shirts uk[/url] am 9 Raine says: As Pagans pride ourselves on diversity and open mindedness, you should feel free to express yourself and worship as you please. If it calls to you, by all means go to it with open arms, heart and mind. Goddess bless. November 4, 2008 at 11:30 am 10 ashley says: I think I was egyptian in a past life, and my husband who is korean alittle japanese in there fome the japanese occupation of korea say he feels he was european in a past life. shamanism is verry popular and verry much alive in his country people practise it along with christianity and buddhism, all 3 sometimes. November 4, 2008 at 11:32 am 11 joni50 says: Wicca is not about the color of the skin. It s about who and what you really are, on the inside. If Wicca answers your spiritual questions, go for it. November 4, 2008 at 2:02 pm 12 Mija says: My father is Puerto Rican with a dash of Chinese and my mother is a white mish mash Scandinavian Serbian German and a lot of others from California. So I having a mix of belief systems is pretty normal for me. I have the belief that it doesn t matter what your color is. You can be whatever you want. I am Ecclectic Wicc

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  • Enlace comentario drullierm Jueves, 05 de Septiembre de 2013 06:07 Publicado por drullierm

    20;It17;s the same name in many languages,21; said DomainAdvisors senior advisor Amanda Waltz.The same can be true for trying a new yoga studio.Please add the list by commenting below with local events or efforts inyour community11; please include [url=]lululemon headband[/url] dates, times, and URLs.
    Lalita17;s name means Playful Beauty of the Three Worlds.I can do more now than I could 50 years ago,21; the Australian grandmother, who has been a yoga teacher for more than 40 [url=]discount lululemon[/url] years, said of her yoga practice.20;Each additional happy person makes you happier,21; said Nicholas Christakis, a professor of medical sociology at Harvard Medical School in Boston.The Jivamukti Yoga Center in New York is hosting its second annual muscial tribute to George Harrison on Feburary 24.on children.If [url=]lululemon sale online[/url] you have, you may not [url=]Lululemon headbands[/url] have known that it was a flash mob, those artful gatherings that [url=]lululemon canada[/url] seem to come out of nowhere and when over, leave not a trace behind.
    This year, VDAY will take place on April 12 and feature international performances of 20;The Vagina Monologues,21; music, and more.• The Center for Mind-Body Medicine, in Washington, DC, has trained 20;120 doctors, nurses, priests, and voodoo healers,21; in Haiti following the devastating 7.In the City Room section, an article by Lizette Alvarez called 20;The Jocks Throw Down Their Mats21;chronicles her visit to Jivamukti, where she noticed an uptick in the number of men surrounding her in class.Why should yoga practitioners care about the goddesses you talk about in your book? How can they enhance one17;s yoga practice?First, the goddesses we access in yoga are not just mythic figures.We just want someone to make things better, and they seem like a likely candidate.Photo: Vedanta Society of Southern CaliforniaSwami Ramdev, who has a large following in India and is best known for teaching pranayama, is holding six-day 20;yoga camp21; at the Alexandra Palace in London from July 27 to August 1. 21;If you were to walk in there, you would feel like you17;re going into a gym,21; Baird said 20;The students come in, do some warm ups, do the typical stretching and movement
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  • Enlace comentario Usefresiami Jueves, 05 de Septiembre de 2013 05:39 Publicado por Usefresiami

    It involves everypossible tool of yoga, including breathing, relaxation, movement, meditation,philosophy, and probably already know that yoga [url=]Lululemon sale[/url] can [url=]Lululemon outlet[/url] help your posture now, but a recent study in the Journal of the [url=]lululemon outlet[/url] American Geriatrics Society suggests yoga also can also help lower the risk of Dowager17;s Hump in the elderly.But it is nice to have 5,000 years of wisdom in my pocket: Next time I17;m having a hard day, I might just access it: 20;When you are in touch with your spirit, when you are in touch with your soul, in touch with your divinity, then you have a state of consciousness that is called Grace,21; says Chopra.For the culmination of the month, on September 30th the organizers have put together the first annual Time for Yoga Global Community Practice: At 7 pm local time, yoga students are encouraged to practice yoga as an international observance.21; You can [url=]lululemon sale[/url] attend the Friday session for $45 or both sessions for $195.With yoga pants costing close to $100 and drop-in classes up to $20, the economic contrast is stark when compared to India, the land where yoga originated, where around 70 percent of the population [url=]Lululemon sale[/url] lives on under $2 a day, according to the World Bank.BROga (the word combines the words 20;bro21; and 20;yoga21;) is strongly based on the physical aspect of yoga and shies away from using Sanskrit terms and the esoteric, less familiar parts of yoga.Simon, a board-certified neurologist, began exploring traditional healing systems early on in his medical career, searching for alternatives to 20;a medical paradigm that the viewed the body as a physical machine and generally rejected the connection between the mind and the body,21; according to the Center.The cards, which say 20;Yes, Please21; on one side and 20;No, thank you21; on the other, allow students to change their mind during class as well, studio director Christi-an Slomka wrote in response to a recent It鈥檚 All Yoga, Baby blog post about the cards
    See Wise Warden.Lead investigator Kimberly Williams said they found those who received the mindfulness training 20;had significantly less daily hassles, psychological distress and significantly fewer medical symptoms21; —like lower blood pressure and fewer aches and pains—than those who were handed a pamphlet.
    In the beginning, yoga was not about the stuff.20;It17;s not about the money.
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  • Enlace comentario drullierm Miércoles, 04 de Septiembre de 2013 16:47 Publicado por drullierm

    21; Has anyone had any previous experience with Pure Yoga?During their tenure in the prestigious and competitive Owner/President Management Program at Harvard Business School, CEOs and COOs from around the world learn how to bring their businesses to the next level.That17;s right.
    Do you think politicians will take notice?In the Season 3 premiere of the hit reality television series 20;Duck Dynasty,21; which chronicles the high jinks of the ZZ Top-bearded family behind Duck Commander hunting gear, yoga made a surprising cameo.20;It17;s about being generous with ourselves with our hearts, with our time and with our energy,21; he $15.00Sports Bra forever21.21; [url=]Lululemon sale[/url] Instructor Natalie Cosby said that the class appeals to women who might not want to do yoga because it would mess up their hair.21;It17;s a very dark history.
    This is why the practice is so powerful.Rather than responding to every message, he asks himself: 20;How am I going to be most useful in a macro sense?21;Stay Connected, Stay FlexibleMeditative practices are making their way into the offices of many of these companies. In the last month alone there have been several studies about yoga and meditation practices that add to a growing body of research proving that yoga and other mindfulness practices are effective ways to bolster both physical and mental health.The Vancouver company was founded by Chip Wilson who has 20 years experience in the surf, skate, and snowboard businesses.The plan is for the tower to be lit each year between October 9 and December 8 (the day Lennon was killed).Of course, iTunes, the grandaddy music download store of them all, has friends and foes, but for now, this is where you can download [url=]lululemon sale[/url] and include on playlists individual songs by yogi favorites like Krishna Das and Michael Franti. 21;I think it is reasonable to put Iyengar in that group, because in a way he has given something that was missing in the inspiration and knowledge that the others gave: a [url=]lululemon outlet[/url] starting point for ordinary people to understand the practice of yoga.The news affected the company17;s stock, which fell by at least 5 percent, and in light of the incident it [url=]lululemon headband[/url] will [url=]Lululemon[/url] 20;reduce its expected first-quarter sales to $333 million to $343 million, down from the $350 million to $355 million it had previously expected,21; the Wall Street Journal reported

  • Enlace comentario Gonoemobe Miércoles, 04 de Septiembre de 2013 04:19 Publicado por Gonoemobe

    ioning and religious practices. I still have obsessions, though I admit now [url=]wholesale soccer jerseys sale[/url] I believe them to be more spiritually related. I just wanted to give some advice to everyone raising gifted children: foster their education. If they are obsessed with sockets and electrical workings, get some books on how electricity works. Dinosaurs. Get books. Anything else. get books. Let them learn, support them, but guide them to have other interests as well. They will grow out of it. And, please, if they are as serious as I was 8230. take them seriously. I had a lot of questions about life and emotions and empathy, I wasn t taken seriously because I was a child. My parents made fun of me and mocked me for reacting so seriously. They also didn t care about my education, which is why I am now 26 and going to college. All we ask for is love, guidance, and an open mind. If you can provide that to them, you are doing everything you can. October 24, 2010 [url=]wholesale nike nfl jerseys[/url] at 3:00 pm 29 alice says: My 9yr old son is obsessive since he was three years old with ligthbulb, electricity and alarm wants to collect and buy anything that has electricity. I just don t know what to do with him is hard to understand him or get him to play with toys or fun things. November 5, 2010 at 1:19 pm 30 lisa Cohn says: I have three gifted children, and they obsess and also worry about meaning of life issues. My [url=]wholesale soccer jerseys[/url] question is this: Do you think you should try to get the child who obsesses to broaden his horizon a little or should you let him focus on whatever his passion is until he s sick of it. Right now, my toddler s passion is puzzles, and he could play with them for hours at a time. I try to encourage him to go outside, go to the gym and do other thing


  • Enlace comentario Lymnexinnagax Miércoles, 04 de Septiembre de 2013 04:17 Publicado por Lymnexinnagax

    2013 at 9:32 pm 93 Rosie Aldrich says: My son is three going on four in may and for the last year his obsession has been flags, necklaces and tacks. He left the house at two in the morning in the middle of a snow storm Made it a block away before i woke up and was able to find him. [url=]cheap authentic nfl jerseys[/url] He told me he was going to get a flag. He once got some thumb tacks and when i tried to take them away he held them so hard [url=]cheap nfl jerseys china[/url] i had to pick the tacks out of his hand. They were stuck in. The necklace obsession is all day all the time he doesn t want them to wear he only wants to have them and hang them wherever he can. I really don t think he is autistic but this obsession is crazy to us and its been so long. I would love any input on this thanks February 5, 2013 at 11:57 am 94 Beth Hardy says: My grandson is obsessed with keys. He early drives us crazy with keys. He pats everyone down and demands their keys when they come in. He sits in his Little Tykes car and makes backup noises all the time as well. I had three very intelligent children and there were no obsessions of any kind. February 5, 2013 at 7:59 pm 95 Laurie says: First I must say I ve really enjoyed reading this thread. It makes me feel better about my 10 yr old son amp. his obsession with roller coasters. It s just like others have explained: Very intense amp. time consuming. He was in the gifted program at [url=]cheap nfl jerseys from china[/url] school until we started homeschooling last week amp. he also has some anxiety issues. so it all must be linked. One reason I m homeschooling him is to teach him as much math amp. science as possible since he wants to be a roller coaster engineer designer. I figured I d embrace the obsession Plus I love roller coasters. so I guess I got lucky. Fe


  • Enlace comentario sdmc|ellavrl833 Miércoles, 04 de Septiembre de 2013 03:20 Publicado por sdmc|ellavrl833

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  • Enlace comentario assisaApora Miércoles, 04 de Septiembre de 2013 03:08 Publicado por assisaApora

    16;Yoga teaches you to embrace fear and cultivate patience,17; says Ms.Now when I meditate I try and approach it as something new.Advanced students [url=]Lululemon outlet[/url] came to practice on their own, while new students thatincluded Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, artists, students, andentertainers came to explore this mysterious practice.I love John.Good idea or logistical nightmare?If so, you might enjoy Punk Rock Yoga, being offered in Boston, New York, Seattle and Toronto.21; For more information, visit www.The iconic stairs outside the Philadelphia Museum of Modern Art where Rocky trained are the [url=]Lululemon[/url] perfect setting for a community to come together to fight cancer鈥攆or so many, cancer is the fight of their lives.
    ) They did so out of their devotion to the practice and the desire to share it with like-minded seekers.17; YTTCC exposes health benefits, strengthens body image, informs on active lifestyle hair care.I took a class forpeople with chronic pain and learned a whole to new way to relate to sensation.
    20;I feel satisfied when someone says to me that they feel better, stronger, and optimistic,21; she said.鈥淲hen they realize they can translate that same feeling into the rest of their lives,鈥?he says in a video on the Karma Tribe website, 鈥渨ell, that makes me feel really good.鈥滿oby17;s Speakeasy talk, 20;May All Beings Be Free of Suffering: Why I Am a Vegan,21; moderated by Kaitlin Quistgaard editor-in-chief of Yoga Journal, was also an event to remember.Of course I [url=]lululemon sale[/url] couldn鈥檛 do that without his permission, so I screwed up my courage and phoned Georg.The seed money for the company will come through KickStarter, the funding platform for creative endeavors.This uniquely epic experience raised the collective conscious vibration of the planet with it17;s diverse line up of world renowned yoga teachers and musicians [url=]cheap lululemon[/url] raising awareness of sacred activism including a Yoga Aid event that spilled off the yoga floor onto the hot tarmac; funds were raised for Seane Corn17;s [url=]lululemon outlet[/url] Yoga Off the Mat; Baron Baptiste and Paige Elenson17;s Africa Project; Shiva Rea17;s Global Mala Project; Brock Cahill17;s Kurmalliance (Rescuing Turtles from the Gulf Coast Oil Spill).Inspired by the Nobel Peace Prize winning works of Dr.These overworkedcorporate types are finding a practical application for yoga in theirwork life: balance.No matter where you stand on the issue, it17;s hard to argue with this quote by Dave Romanelli: 20;What yoga teachers do and what chefs do is not so different.People with the most social connections, such as friends, spouses, neighbors, and relatives, were also the happiest, the data showed

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